Deploy on PikaPods Directly

PIKAPODS starts at a minimum of $1.5 per month. Additionally, PIKAPODS will provide all new users with an experience credit of $5 upon sign-up! And 20% of the fees generated from deploying to PIKAPODS will be donated to Blinko. Come and support us!


Security Warning: You must change the NEXTAUTH_SECRET value in all installation methods below. Using the default value poses a significant security risk. Generate a strong random string for production use.

Example of generating a secure secret:

openssl rand -base64 32
# or
node -e "console.log(require('crypto').randomBytes(32).toString('base64'))"

Bash Script Installation

The use docker run to deploy Blinko.If you feel it’s not safe, you can use the other method below.

Docker Installation

  1. Must mount the data volume of postgres or your data will be lost
  2. Replace NEXTAUTH_SECRET=my_ultra_secure_nextauth_secret with your own secure secret key

Docker Compose Installation

To deploy Blinko using docker compose, create a docker-compose.yml file with the following configuration: